DGH is dedicated to health systems research and development (R&D) on critical issues in global public health affecting access to medicines. Our R&D is designed to be actionable, applied and impactful in meeting the needs of decision-makers, practitioners and advocates.
Our priority access R&D areas are:
- Market shaping
- Pharmaceutical market research and evaluation
- Pharmacoeconomic analysis
- Medicine policy and regulation
- Medicine price, availability and affordability
- Monitoring and evaluation – assessments and third-party monitoring
- Medicines transparency and accountability
The strategic objective of the Access R&D Program is to generate evidence to facilitate learning, innovation and decision-making by health systems partners and stakeholders.
The key activities of the Research and Development Program are:
- Review current opportunities and gaps (baseline and update studies) in DGH, national regional and global health agenda.
- Establish and engage in research collaborations with health system partners, like-minded organizations in global health.
- Conduct research and analysis in critical areas of the health system.
- Carry out ongoing documentation, monitoring and surveillance of developments in the health system.
- Synthesize ongoing research, new evidence and emerging issues/ trends in the global health.