Governess of Pharmaceutical Associations
Pharmaceutical manufacturing associations are normally established by pharmaceutical manufacturing companies to provide a common voice and registered as private non-profit organizations/non- governmental organizations and as companies limited by guarantee. The associations are governed by constitutions, and membership is voluntary. The membership of nationals associations usually consists of individual manufacturing companies, while that of regional associations/federations consists of national associations. Associations and federations have been established at different levels, and they derive their mandates from their constitutions, registration status, national laws and membership.
The Boards of the pharmaceutical manufacturing associations may have different compositions depending on the legal requirements of the country of registration, but they are normally elected by the membership from amongst the representatives of the institutional member. Atypical structure of the Board or executive committee consists of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasury, and Board/Committee Members. In the case of FAPMA, for example, there are eight Board Members-three representing FEAPMA, three from SAGMA, and two from WAPMA.Two are nominated by the members of each regional association and the additional two are nominated by the Board-as special experts that the Board feels valuable to the work of the Association.For SAGMA,each member national association is represented by one person on the Board.