Identifying key principles for enabling regional pooled procurement and a framework for inter-regional collaboration in the African, Caribbean and Pacific Island Countries
Identifying key principles for enabling regional pooled procurement and a framework for inter-regional collaboration in the African, Caribbean and Pacific Island Countries
The TRIPS Agreement sets minimum standards in the field of intellectual property (IP) protection (such as copyrights, patents, and trademarks) that all WTO Member countries have to respect. To achieve…
The Uganda Ministry of Health (MOH) conducted a nationwide study of the country’s pharmaceutical situation in July-August 2008. Using a standard methodology developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), the…
The aim of this document is to improve pharmaceutical procurement practices in countries served by the IPC members. These operational principles for good pharmaceutical procurement are not meant to regulate…
The main purpose of this manual is to show how the WMF can best be utilized as a core resource for the production of a NF. The manual is aimed…
Essential medicines are one of the vital tools needed to improve and maintain health. However, for too many people throughout the world medicines are still unaffordable, unavailable, unsafe and improperly…
Essential medicines are one of the vital tools needed to improve and maintain health. However, for too many people throughout the world medicines are still unaffordable, unavailable, unsafe and improperly…
A national drug policy is a commitment to a goal and a guide for action. It expresses and prioritizes the medium- to long-term goals set by the government for the…
The Handbook of Supply Management at First Level Health Care Facilities describes all major medicines and supply management tasks, known as the standard procedures of medicines supply management1 at first…